Raising money for Melbourne City Mission
My birthday is coming up in a month, and to celebrate all of my years on this earth I have decided to host a fundraiser.
I have worked with and donated to these three organisations in the past and they align very strongly with my values.
free to choose whichever organisation you would like or split the donation between
them. There is absolutely no amount too small, or too big - donate what you can.
Please share the links if you feel comfortable doing so!
Thank you so much in advance!
With love,
Tara-Rose Kirkpatrick xx
Thank you to my Sponsors

"uncle Doug"

Happy Birthday Stink! And go you and much love

Jake And Ben Kirkpatrick
Happy Birthday. Havre a great day

Mike Kirkpatrick
With our best wishes Tara! What a big-hearted thing to do for your Birthday. Well done.

Tara-rose Kirkpatrick

Tatiana Kooraram

Benjamin Nekvapil
Happy birthday Tara! All these years later still supporting MCM 💪

Eliza Ingle

Happy birthday Tara-Rose, l admire your support for such a noble and worthy cause. Your spirit of kindness and generosity toward others is wonderful. Wishing you a great new birthday year ahead. - Doug